Good Morning!

Oh what a beautiful day it is in sunny south Florida!

Welcome to the ReloGeek Insider.

I am Ashley Tucker, both the founder and the Auto Relocation Consultant behind the company name and I am beyond excited to finally start making waves some massive waves in the auto transport industry!

I made a conscious decision to rebrand from the previous business name. It’s been a long process but I couldn’t be happier with the results.

As a person who feels she can do EVERYTHING on her own, it was hard for me to know when to ask for help. I am forever grateful for the people that have helped to bring my vision to life.

The biggest thanks goes to my Business Strategist and Venture Catalyst Catherine LeBlanc and my Business Storyteller Victoria Prozan!

Life before Cat was confusing, overwhelming and full of uncertainties. I didn’t know where I wanted to focus {everyone who wants to ship their car or find a niche}, I didn’t know if my ideas were feasible and worst of all, I went to bed for nights at a time with a monster truck headache. Trust me that was no fun- so in came superwoman Cat!

Once I had my business ideas in place, Cat recommended me to the amazing and talented Victoria, whom helped me develop my brand name and my tagline among other things. I stalked her page for a few days before I finally decided to work with her. She was like a blessing from the skies and I couldn’t be more happier and excited to share my new brand with the world thanks to her!

What I have learned from this experience is be true to yourself. Find what ignites your passion and run with it. Always trust your gut and don’t ignore your dreams. {yeah the ones you have at night}

my passion is helping people anyway I can…

But my current focus lies in helping people who are beginning the process of relocating for work and are overwhelmed with trying to find an auto relocation service provider! Knowing the shady circumstances that surround this industry, I’m on a personal mission to change the way you view auto relocation providers. That’s why ReloGeek exists!

So, I want to personally welcome you to ReloGeek and I really hope that you enjoy everything I have in store for both ReloGeek and The ReloGeek Insider.

See you soon! { literally }


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