Before starting an auto transport business, DO THIS!

What’s up car shipping rockstars! I hope you guys are having a wonderful week. Today’s video is all about preventing you car haulers and auto transport brokers to be, from making a huge business mistake.

A mistake that could cost you:

01 | Money

02 | Time

03 | Your sanity.

So in this video, I share the top thing I recommend all of you awesome entrepreneurs to be do before jumping head first into the auto transport industry. Check it out now:

The one thing you need to do before starting an auto transport business.



3 Responses

  1. Great tip for auto transporter! Ashley.
    Question for you Ashley, i have found it hard to secure a car trailer with low cash flow. We’re would be a great starting point to inquire with same financial lender, an I have tried Sheffield no luck. Any other suggestions.

    Thanks again for your continued support. -Kecia

    1. Kecia, Sheffield Financial would have been my recommendation for trailer finiancing, as that’s who I used years ago… other than that, I can only say google trailer financing companies and see what you find. Lastly, you can try to get your bank to finance it for you but that could prove difficult depending on your credit and current income.


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