Auto Transport Leads Are Not a Strategy

Hey what’s up Car Shipping Rockstars. So many of you are depending too much on auto transport leads. This tragic thought process, epidemic of sorts, is what inspired me to film this video.

But first, why should you care about a business strategy?

From my experience in various businesses within the auto transport industry amongst others, I’ve learned that strategy without execution means jack. And that execution without the right strategy means a bunch of wasted time.

If you want to succeed by building a profitable auto transport business? You need to have the right strategy in place.

And in my opinion, making the action of purchasing auto transport leads the secret sauce for success? Is the wrong strategy.

So in this video, I talk about why I say this and how auto transport leads should fit in your business.


Everything has a time and place and auto transport leads are no different.


Check it out and in the comments below I want to know: How are you currently using auto transport leads?

***Want to know who I recommend for auto transport leads? Check out the Smart Biz Resources.

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Buying leads is like fast food. Feels good at first, regrets come later.

I’ve got a crazy idea: Let’s make clients come to you instead.

Click the button below for my free 7-day mini series about breaking your lead habit and building an auto transport brokerage that actually pays.

Warning: May cause sudden outbursts of profitability.