Do you or someone you know have negative feelings about auto transport brokers?
Are you convinced through either reading blog posts, or participating in car enthusiasts forums or even reading reviews on various review sites that we can do without auto transport brokers?
If you are nodding your head in agreement, then you should watch this weeks episode,
Auto Transport Brokers- Why We Need Them
Now before I get into the video let me start with this. I think we need auto transport brokers, the same way we need real estate brokers and their agents even though we can deal directly with the seller, small business repair shops even when there’s GeekSquad, or mom and pop bakeries even when there’s Entenmann’s and Hostess. Could you imagine the world without small businesses?
Think about it the next time you walk into a Starbucks. A company I admire even though I have never had a Starbuck’s coffee ever in my life. Taken directly from their site, “…the company was a single store in Seattle’s historic Pike Place Market.” According to Fortune, Starbucks ranked 94th as one of the best companies to work for in 2013. Now imagine that- your favorite coffee house actually started out as a single shop in Seattle. What if everyone had the mentality that we don’t need the middleman. Why buy at Starbucks when we can buy coffee direct and brew our own? You wouldn’t be able to go into a Starbucks coffee shop, sit down with your iPad on their wifi and enjoy that Caramel Frappuccino- now would you?
So why would you feel the same way about auto transport brokers? There are some brokers that are just bad for the business, I get that. But we can’t spend our lives categorizing everyone. The best thing for us to do is to recommend against using that particular company. Rather than penalize the entire industry because some numbnut wants to rob hard working Americans like ourselves, doesn’t mean every auto transport broker is scheming and plotting on how they too can succeed by doing the same.
On a personal note, I have been dedicating a lot of my time over the past 6 months into creating a program for the newbies who want to get into the auto transport business. I can’t change the way the brokers are operating, but I can give the new guys a sense of inspiration to do things with American Values in hand.
Okay, so this week I want to take the time to explain why when you say, “we should just cut out the auto transport brokers because we don’t need any middlemen”, you’re actually doing more harm than good. I don’t stop there because I will also talk to you about 3 Big Myths that surround the life of an Auto Transport Broker.
So check it out,
“Auto Transport Brokers- Why We Need Them”
Are you confused about the difference between a broker and carrier? Click Here to learn more about the difference between auto transport brokers and auto carriers.
My Question for you:
Where you one of the people who believe the world would be a better place if auto transport brokers didn’t exist? How do you feel now? Leave your comments below and as always, Thanks for watching the ReloGeek Insider.